
How to Stop Hair Fall

Here are a few ways in which you can stop hair loss:
Cover your hair
Hair being the most exposed part of your body has the tendency to gather dust, heat and dirt in no time. Therefore, we all experience dryness and dandruff very frequently. These can lead to hair loss. One way to control it is by covering your head with a cotton scarf while travelling. Fashion conscious people can opt for hats, caps and stylish umbrellas to complete their look.
Oil your hair
Most people avoid or forget to oil their hair which makes the scalp produce oil on its own to maintain the moisture level of the skin. This is often misconstrued as a sign of an oily scalp. This is not true! Oil your hair once a week to feel the change and the difference in the quality of your hair.
Avoid artificial treatments
Avoid dyeing, blow drying and ironing your hair frequently. This makes the hair brittle and changes the texture of the hair drastically. Repeated sessions of applying direct heat on your hair strands can cause long term damage to your hair such as thinning, loss in shine and baldness. Many spa salons offer spa treatments for your hair which last for 30—40 minutes leaving your hair nourished. This can be another alternative to stop hair loss due to excessive use of hair products.
Home remedies to stop hair loss
  • Apply freshly prepared henna on your hair along with one egg and curd. Make sure it reaches the scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash it off with water. Shampoo your hair the following day. This stops hair loss within 15 days and also adds more volume to your hair.
  • It is true that hair is the second most fastest growing tissue in the body apart from the bone marrow. But one must realise the damage caused to our hair is speedier than the growth pattern of our hair thereby, giving the follicles less amount of time for regeneration. Vitamin E capsules should be mixed in oil (at least two capsules if hair loss is more) and applied two times a week for best results.
  • Include a lot of protein in your daily diet. Protein and iron helps rebuild the loss of tissue in the scalp and helps strengthen the follicles so that they can hold the hair root more firmly, thereby putting a stop to hair loss.
  • Women suffering from extreme hormonal imbalance tend to suffer from hair loss. For this, one should consult a gynaecologist for remedial measures.
  • Avoid taking stress. Joining meditation classes or proactively participating in yoga can help you lead a better lifestyle. Most people witness baldness early in their lives and the prime reason for this is stress.

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