
Primary Hair loss medications

Propecia is one of the medically proven products, licensed by the UK medical regulatory body the MHRA, and approved by its US counterpart the FDA. The product is classed as a ’5-alpha reductase inhibitor’, which means that it prevents the formation of DHT. DHT has no major uses in the body of a developed man so blocking it causes no harm to the body, but does help to prevent hair loss and re-grow hair.

Medroxyprogesterone (MPG), Azelaic Acid (AA) and/or caffeine can be found in Belgravia ’s main formulations of minoxidil (see next paragraph for information on minoxidil). These are products are added with the aim of contributing to the blockage of DHT locally around the hair follicles. Although MPG, AA or caffeine are not advised as individual hair loss treatments, they are important for men who use Propecia as they could assist in contributing to the complete blockage of DHT.

Minoxidil was the first hair loss treatment proven to reverse genetic male (and female) hair loss and to be licensed by the MHRA and approved by the FDA. The Belgravia Centre Pharmacy produces its own formulations of minoxidil in a 4%, 5% or 8% solution with MPG, Azelaic Acid and/or caffeine added, or in an extra-strength minoxidil cream with azelaic acid added. Minoxidil cream is exclusive to The Belgravia Centre. You can find more information on our minoxidil formulations and their ingredients by clicking on the links within this paragraph.

Minoxidil increases the blood supply to the areas that it is applied, which increases the nutrients delivered to the hair follicles and prevents shrinkage of the follicles, resulting in prevention of hair loss and re-growth of the hair in many cases. Minoxidil acts by opening up potassium channels, which has been found to prevent male and female hair loss. Belgravia ’s hair specialists have found through experience that Propecia and minoxidil complement each other superbly, and used together are the best known hair loss treatment basis to combat genetic male hair loss.

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