
How to Care for Hair Loss With Herbal Hair Tonic

How to treat hair loss inexpensively.
  • halba
  • onion- rub raw cut onion over bald patches+rinse with water
  • hibiscus leaves or petals or both
  • coconut oil - either apply regularly to the hair alone or cook hibiscus leaves and petals in the coconut oil until it turns slightly pink(petals) / light green (leaves) and apply regularly to the hair as a hair oil
  • 1clean the hair with shampoo
  • 2Soak hand full of halba/venthyam over night. No need to soak hibiscus leaves.
  • 3grind / blend the halba / hibiscus leaves in a blender.
  • 4Apply the ground/blended halba/hibiscus leaves to the hair.
  • 5Leave it 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water
  • don't shampoo after rinsing halba.
  • If halba is used twice a wk regularly no need to use shampoo for the the hair. This is a weak shampoo+ will clean your hair. But you need lot of water to rinse it off
  • Don't let it touch the eyes. If accidentally touches, rinse it off immediately with cold water
  • the soaked/ground halba is slimy to touch

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