
How to Prevent Hair Loss Due to Stress

Telogen effluvium is a medical condition involving hair loss due to emotional or physical stress. Possible stressors include intense worry about work, the death of a loved one, childbirth, severe illness, financial troubles, divorce, and major surgery. Due to the length of the hair growth cycle, people generally begin losing their hair weeks or months after the stressful event has occurred. The guide below offers some actions that you can take to ease stress and reduce the effects of telogen effluvium.

Consult your doctor to find the cause of your telogen effluvium. While stressful experiences are a major cause, other causes include an iron or zinc deficiency, an excess of vitamin A, a thyroid imbalance, and prescription medications such as beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and antidepressants.

Hair loss due to telogen effluvium typically occurs in sudden and diffuse patterns. Determining whether telogen effluvium is, in fact, the cause of your hair loss is done by taking a skin sample (biopsy) from your scalp. The sample is examined under a microscope to determine the state of your hair follicles.
If your doctor determines you're suffering from a mineral deficiency, you can take supplements. If your hair loss is caused by your prescription medication, he or she can prescribe a different drug without that side effect.

Reduce stressful thoughts in your mind. Frequently engage in stress-reducing activities:
Exercising for around 20 minutes a day produces endorphins to help reduce stress.
Getting a massage not only relieves muscle tension but also promotes blood flow throughout the body and helps reduce emotional and mental stress.
Keeping a journal allows you to express pent-up frustrations through writing.
Examining and reducing the social, emotional, and professional demands that are placed on you, as well as those you place on others, can help you manage stress. 
Track the progress of your hair loss. If you notice that loss begins to slow after 6 or so months, then your case of telogen effluvium may be waning.
Hair loss begins to slow over the course of 6 to 8 months, as long as the stressful situation is not ongoing. Telogen effluvium is a self-limiting condition that should correct itself over time.

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